Multiprocess Execution

Batman wondered about the behavour of variables in a Robyn multiprocessing environment.

Robyn reassured that it can indeed support them! i.e, handlers can be dispatched to multiple threads.

Any variable used in a multiprocessing environment is shared across multiple processes.

Whilst using multithreading in Robyn, the variables are not protected from multiple threads access by default.

If one needs a variable to be protected within a process, while accessing it from different threads, one can use multiprocessing.Value for achieving the required protection.


    import threading
    import time
    from multiprocessing import Value

    from robyn import Robyn, Request

    app = Robyn(__file__)

    count = Value("i", 0)

    def counter():
        while True:
            count.value += 1
            print(count.value, "added 1")

    def index(request):
        return f"{count.value}"

    threading.Thread(target=counter, daemon=True).start()
